GeForce4 TI 4200

Compared to a Radeon 9800 its bad :)

That card was long regarded as one of the best out there, even when it was not the newest card out there. Still a good performer, definitely better than any FX5200 out there, and will challenge most ATI 9600Pro's, however they lose out a bit when you start cranking up AA and/or AF.

They are also starting to get a bit old now, and not performing in newer titles, they are also getting a bit harder to find...I have one and like it alot, but I know that there is better out there.
It has the best cost/performance ration currently offered by any company, IMO. For $80, it's the best buy for DX8-class games. For DX9-stuff, don't settle for anything less than a Radeon 9600 Pro @ $135. If you're an Nvidia fanboy like me (I have to be - Nvidia's Linux drivers are great), the 5700 is good, but it's not as fast as the 9600 Pro.