Germany's Interior Minister Wants Backdoors In Cars, Digital Devices

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Well, it has been several months since the last global IT disaster caused by forgotten backdoors, so why the heck not? I mean, what the chance it happens again (again, again, again, again)
What a twat. He should study up on tech and risks with backdoors.
Just goes to show that even in Germany, politicians are morons.
A car with software backdoors would need software support for the entire lifetime of the vehicle. What's the expiration date on a new car? Somehow I don't believe in car companies' ability to secure or support the features properly. Like touched on in the article, they automatically have a bullseye on them as well.
Germany will crash and burn. i see a lot of hackers moving to germany just to take advantage of all the backdoors! They will teach germany doing it doggie style!
This would also allow them to watch any person at any time without any warrants. Much like the LG vacuumr with a camera on it that was accessible on the web.
And what is to stop another Snowden or Manning releasing the access information on the web either to show the abuses being used with them or for profit?
News at 6: German police have traced the latest terror attack in Munich to a 600L refrigerator that notified it's owner that they were low on milk. The owner has been detained without charges and denied rights to legal representation....
Wow! just imagine the fun the Russian not really state supported hackers can have when Russia needs to sow chaos in Germany. Imagine -- every car's controls taken over remotely causing untold numbers of crashes in every city. Or even Islamic hackers looking to do maximum damage to Western infidels from the comfort of their cave homes in Pakistan.

Is this fellow a complete idiot or what?
VW should say, ok well if you want access, then we need 100M (or something) a year from the government to pay for additional security measures to monitor your access and this back door in general. This is totally reasonable as VW would have to pay to create the loophole as well as to monitor it afterwards for the lifetime of the vehicles.
What a giveaway to terrorists!
Just think about it: All cars turn left... now!

How can you tell?

Stasi would envy the means routinely used by NSA and DHS to spy on the population in USA...


And then they can implement it like they did their "clean diesel", where the feature is only functional during testing, but disabled under normal usage scenarios. : P
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