Getting 100% cpu usage


Feb 22, 2014
I'm not sure what is going on but lately when I play certain games like Ghost Recon Wildlands or H1 kotk I get a 100% cpu usage. I have an Intel I5 4690 with a GTX 970, Savage 16mb ram and 500 watt corsair power supply. my temps on cpu are at 75c to 77C and gpu at 71c. Does anyone know what might be wrong I feel like I am not getting the best out of my pc for some reason. I upgraded from a fx 6300 and this cpu cant even game and stream at the same time. Help plz!!!

I'm curious what you mean by streaming. Is that streaming to a site like Twitch or do another device via Geforce Experience? What are your up and download speeds? Hardwired or wifi? Stock or aftermarket cooler? I am leaning towards stock. My 4690K tops out at 61C during gaming with a 212 Evo and my 970 FTW tops out at 67 with Unigine Heaven.

Why can't you use them? There is Twitch or Youtube live that come to mind. Then there are so many encoders to allow streaming. OBS is free. and a bit about usage. There are other pages. Google. Looks like BF1 all over again. These games are hating i5s.

Use a stock cooler and you can expect your CPU to be a bit warm. This is especially true in warmer climates. As I said, I use the 212 Evo from Cooler Master. I think that would help your temperature issues.

Your hardware combo is more than capable of streaming and gaming. Just learning the how might be the issue.
Well I use to stream on twitch with obs when I had a fx 6300 with no problems. I upgraded to the i5 4690 thinking it was better but cannot stream on twitch or geforce without lag issues. Also my cpu usage and disc space both run 90%+