Getting low fps on witcher 2 using nvidia 560 ti


Sep 20, 2011

I'm having really FPS on witcher 2 my PC spec is as follows:

Intel Core2Duo @ 2.20 GHz
4 GB of RAM DDR2
Nvidia 2GB GeForce 560 Ti (Palit) - Newly Installed [Installed the latest driver]
Running on Windows 7 professional 32 bit
MB: Gigabyte P31-D3SL here's the link of the MB:

in open spaces on LOW SPEC i'm getting 20 FPS max
closed spaces 35FPS max
The game struggles to run on high spec

I also have 3 partitons on my 2 HDDS. 1- Primary 140GB (part of 1 Terabyte HDD) nearly 30GB is free the other parition of the same HDD 785GB has 60GB free (well almost)

What could be the problem? is it my processor? or is it my loaded HDDs? please help me!
TO be fully honest, I never tried to OC my CPU and that's it I never bothered to teach myself to look into how dangerous it is for Mobo parts and for the processor itself like blowing off, oh yes I forgot to mention that my PSU is @ 460 (at least that's what I read) My PC is about 5 years old that explains the low specs I guess.

@renz496 Do you know mate to which range I could over clock my CPU?

I'm planning anyway to get a new PC very soon. I've got a budget around 1400$. Any Recommendations would be very great!

Appreciate the help guys :)
It's definitly your processor bottlenecking.If your interested in here's a guide that will help you out a lot.It deals with your exact processor and socket.Although Witcher 2 likes powerful quad core CPU's so even with your you will still have limitations with what it can handle but it is a good quick fix for now.

What is the make/model of your 460 watt PSU?
nvidia recommends 500w PSU for GTX560 Ti but if you got good quality PSU your 460w PSU should be fine. about the OC thing i'm not sure how far it can go since i don't know your exact model of cpu but still to do high level of OC you're going to need good mobo. but you're going to get new PC very soon anyway so i think it is better for you to focus on what hardware to get to be paired with your current GTX560 Ti.
@Purple stank I'm not very sure about the PSU manufacturer but it ran smoothly and pefectly when I had nVidia 9800 GTX+ I also think it's running just allright right now. I've tried other games I'm getting amazing results like Warhammer 40k: space marine maxed out on 40 frame rate. But the issue with The Witcher 2 is another thing mostly because it has a new powerful graphic engine but that doesn't mean it can't run on 560 Ti.

As I said before, I'm running the game on low spec with ubersampling turned off.
20 FPS max on open space - 35 max on closed spaces (like rooms or houses)

Thanks for the guide though I'll be checking it out!

@renz496 I'm thinking of i5 2500k processor with at least 700w PSU (I want to SLI)..didn't decide about the mobo yet. Still looking for a good one with fair price

An easy way too see if your CPU is causing the bottleneck is when the game lags minimize and check the load of the CPU.