Getting very less frame rates on MSI 960 GTX 2GB.


Aug 11, 2015
getting very less frames in games
Crysis 3 approx 25
Far Cry 3 approx 20
Wicher approx 20
My config is
MSI 960 GTX 2GB 100 ME edition
Phenom 2 X4 920
DDR 2 RAM 800 Mhz 6GB
Windows 7
Please advise what could be the reason is the processor a bottlenec or RAM or anything else.
Your video card might be overheating, it couses decreased performance.
If you have one of those little things that will show the heat when you aim them at something hot.
Open your pc, and ready your heat meter as I call it.
Turn on your pc, open any of those games and point the meter at the graphics card, if it's getting hot really fast, turn off your pc and call your local expert to ''fix'' the problem.
Good luck.
trying to play at 1080p at Ultra or Very High settings. only crysis manages around 25 to 30 FPS rest everyting is around 15 to 20 FPS Farcry 3 Wicher etc.
Please advise what should i upgrade graphics card is brand new 100 ME from MSI 2 GB which i heard in the Forum is good enough for 1080p gaming.

you are not going to get ultra 1080p with that cpu + gpu on those games, you are not running an overclocked i5 + gtx 970

you need to get down to medium + high settings, and then tweak to get good fps

Graphics card is not heating its around 37 to 38 degrees in idle and around 64 degrees cel when playing games.
please advise.

Will i be able to play at ultra settings if i install i7 6700K with MSI Z170 M5 and 16 GB DDR4 RAM.
don't want to change the graphics card as just bought it less than a month ago.