Getting wrong Alt+Code symbol [ Help ! ]

BuBu Shofronea

Sep 10, 2014
As is wrote in the title, i get wrong symbols when i press Alt and type a code on the NumPad. For example, when i try to get the square root ( 251 ) i get this one... : ű ; I also tried other random codes and most of them are these kind of letters : ( 651 : ő ).

The "keyboard language" is set to US as default and windows as well/


P.S : Sorry for wrong category.
De fuck. Doesn't work here either. Although I get ¹ (to the power of one, just in case it decides to change to the ű you mentioned after posting)
I'm pretty sure I used to use that one.

Too much Excel use has made me change to SQRT() though. I know that's not helping.

Could you be more specifically please 😀
is this a solution or something else ? And if not, how da hell do i manage to send my math homework through an email...
No, it wasn't an answer.
I'm pretty sure I used ALT+251 for the square root symbol at one point, but as you said it doesn't work now.

As to sending your homework you could copy-paste the symbol from somewhere online (√) or, if you need to specify what is under the root I'd go with the SQRT() option, the brackets indicating what is underneath it. (SQRT(X^2+Y^2)=39 for instance). If you're not English native speaker finding your local equivalent might be required. It's an actual Excel command and I'm currently forced to use WURZEL() for this particular client.
Depending on your email you could write it in word (or open office equivalent or whatever else you want really) with equation editor/mathtype and either paste that in a rich text email or just attach the .doc file.
Or you could learn to use the unicode input (U+221A) (

Unrelated, I wonder why I get ¹ and you get ű when using ALT+251.