GF5900 128ddr or Radeon9800 128 ddr

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fook u! :lol:

Ivana Humpalot = Phial :wink:

- You need a licence to buy a gun, but they'll sell anyone a stamp <i>(or internet account)</i> ! <A HREF="" target="_new"><font color=green>RED</font color=green> <font color=red>GREEN</font color=red></A> GA to SK :evil:


Dec 30, 2001
LOL! I think I was a "newbie" when you first posted your "CoolSquirtle's Buyer's Guide for Noobs" At that time, your title was "(addict)". Now both of our "hands" are "old" & wrinkled.

Speaking of which, out of curiosity, how many posts do you have. I wouldn't be surprised if your over half-way to "nimble nuckle".

My OS features preemptive multitasking, a fully interactive command line, & support for 640K of RAM!


Jan 4, 2003
lemme check hmm 810 post....... i'm sad....... so try not to pass me~~~~i'll give u candy :D

i don't ask much, just let me become nimble before u :D

Proud Owner the Block Heater
120% nVidia Fanboy
PROUD OWNER OF THE GEFORCE FX 5900ULTRA <-- I wish this was me
I'd get a nVidia GeForce FX 5900Ultra... if THEY WOULD CHANGE THAT #()#@ HSF


Dec 30, 2001
I've got 724.... erm, NOW 725.

What kindof candy you got? I'll have to respond in the morning to your answer. I'm out cause It's 2 AM where I live, & I gotta get some shut eye for school tommorrow. Where do you live CoolSquirtle? Got a suggestions for you my usertitle conscious friend. You can SPAM all the wee hours of the morning bumping up every thread that you can think of and let your post count get 3 to 5 dozen per night or more. It works well for rramjet, but I like natural usertitles.

My OS features preemptive multitasking, a fully interactive command line, & support for 640K of RAM!


Sep 8, 2003
Well guys....Most of you are acting like we (me) did in the 3dfx community. So sure that our V2 cards and all expected and unexpected 3DFX cards would woooop the competition, guess we were dead wrong....As you ATI fans are. (And im not one...and neither am i a Nvidia fan...they killed 3dfx.) I dunno really why you are so blind to the fact that atm Nvidia FX5900 line of cards puts the ATI 9800 card back on the shelf...You cant really be seriuos that the cards ATI can put up today can match what Nvidia has, they simply dont have the juice in them. (But it will surely, soon, come out an ATI card that beats the FX series, but that wasnt what this post was about.) And the guy that says 9600 will run HL2 better than the FX series, gosh, what planet did he came from? Dont go out and buy a 9600 if you want to be able to play Doom3 or halflife2 with premium quality cause it cant handle it. Best card atm is without doubt the FX 5900 series from Nvidia if you want the best atm. (Althought 9800 actually has better image quality, but you will never notice.) So to answer your question simply: If you want to pump up coming games in 1600x1200 Medium to high quality there are only 2 alternatives, FX5900 and 9800pro, where i would prefer the FX card for more raw muscle power. (Dont even consider 9600 or any other card if you really want the best quality in future games.)

But my advice is to wait, there are 2 lines of cards waiting around the corner that will beat the 2 above with atleast 5-10% in performance....And will make the prices for FX5900 and 9800pro to drop dramatically.

And dont listen too much on fanboys, they are often stuck in the past. (Like that 9600 fanboy) Heck, ill recommend you to buy 2 3DFX V2 cards for best gaming performance ever, 2 V2's in SLI beat anything, ANYTHING (Even 9600), scrap those nvidia and ati cards....:p


Feb 18, 2003
Give us a reason to believe in spending 400+ bucks for a high end card that is only fractional faster in DX9 game when compare to 200ish cards. :tongue:


Dec 30, 2001
SERIOUSLY, you MUST be joking. If not, then I go suggest that you IMMEDIATELY look at some Tombraider 4 Benchmarks at <A HREF="" target="_new"></A> If your mind isn't changed about ATi after this, then it I don't know what to say to you.

My OS features preemptive multitasking, a fully interactive command line, & support for 640K of RAM!


The FX5900 Ultra beats the 9800PRO in DirectX 8, I'll grant you that.

But it sounds to me like you have not visited yet any of the recent benchmarks for DX9 performed.

Whenever PS2.0 is called, the FX becomes a rotting corpse trying to stand up fighting Stallone!
Seriously, it is NOT viable. It may beat the 9800PRO by 10% in DX8 or below, but soon it will become the punching bag. No, I would not recommend the 5900 anymore.

<A HREF="" target="_new"><font color=blue><b>Are you ugly and looking into showing your mug? Then the THGC Album is the right place for you!</b></font color=blue></A>


Dec 30, 2001
Also the 9600 Pro is a fantastic teaser card to reccomend to show all those Nvidia fanboys how a "mid-range" card can swaller a "High-end" 5900 Ultra in the DX9 games.

My OS features preemptive multitasking, a fully interactive command line, & support for 640K of RAM!


Holy crap. That guy managed to sum up the thoughts of countless nVidiots in a paragraph.

Apparently, we should buy graphics cards based on:
Benchmark scores (3dcock stroke especially!)
How cool it will look with a case mod.
Overclockability, and...
Doom 3.

ROFL, you are so good WS! :lol:

<A HREF="" target="_new"><font color=blue><b>Are you ugly and looking into showing your mug? Then the THGC Album is the right place for you!</b></font color=blue></A>


what about me eden?????????
Sorry man, I couldn't possibly include you with blokes!

You're "special", so you get to be in a "special" category, the one that takes the "special" bus! :lol:

And you like aBox don't you?

anyways~~~~ website benchmarks are just "examples" most website test video card using P4 3.2 with Corsair ram and Canterwood and all the good stuff. The thing is only like 1 in every 2000 people can have that kind of system.

I think, if anyone ask whether they should get a FX5900Ultra or 9800pro, they should go to best buy, buy them, test them, return them then decide which one is suitable FOR YOU! people here are giving u suggestion according to the website benchmarks using top-of-the-line systems, it doesn't mean it'll perform the same on your comp. Also the recent DX9 bench is showing nVidia getting their arse kicked, but really, DX9 is more like "future stuff", i know new dx9 games are popping out every second but not everyone is going to buy DX9 games that soon~~
That's quite true. Though I expect most to know HL2 and DOOM III need the best of the best and will also buy them.
Except for the DX9 game gap performance is too big for system setting differences to make a big difference as the gaps.

<A HREF="" target="_new"><font color=blue><b>Are you ugly and looking into showing your mug? Then the THGC Album is the right place for you!</b></font color=blue></A>


Here's whats going to happen....Detonator50, which is coming out Sept.30th, will be loaded with detection mechanisms that will recognise HL2, TR AOD, etc..and drop the game into partial precision mode/shader replacement mode. Thats how it works. Watch how good Aquamark and some of the new games coming out this month run on NV hardware, its fuucking bullshiit. I have seen threads on B3D and NV News talking about how Nvidia already has optimizations in place, waiting for the new software to come out. Detonator50 is going to cause havoc on forums everywhere:)
That's it, I'm quoting you on Flamethrower. This is way too sad. They're playing S&M on their chips, lol!
I wonder how the image quality comparisons will be. It'll be interesting to see if it's gonna be a big difference.

<A HREF="" target="_new"><font color=blue><b>Are you ugly and looking into showing your mug? Then the THGC Album is the right place for you!</b></font color=blue></A>


Jan 4, 2003
yay! i'm special...............(goes into a corner)

i Think nVidia should buy DX9 off Microsoft and make it only for them :D

Proud Owner the Block Heater
120% nVidia Fanboy
PROUD OWNER OF THE GEFORCE FX 5900ULTRA <-- I wish this was me
I'd get a nVidia GeForce FX 5900Ultra... if THEY WOULD CHANGE THAT #()#@ HSF


Dec 31, 2007
I got 5430 score on 3dmark2003 with an EpoX8K3A,TBred2700+,
Radeon 9800@371/326,SBLive5.1 and 512PC3200 ram at 166FSB.

Beam me up Scotty.


Dec 30, 2001
That's a fine 3D mark score you have there. Good luck & enjoy your kickin' Graphics card & creamy smooth gaming.

My OS features preemptive multitasking, a fully interactive command line, & support for 640K of RAM!