The stuff we learned in 8th grade earth science is only true under the stated conditions.
-Hot air does rise... yes if is a fraction of % lighter but this does not overcome the force of a bunch of radiator fans.... 2 of 3 fans blowing air thru a radiator and back out the rear grille before it even reaches the GFX cards is a far more effective than the gentle current created by slightly warmer air.
Yes, it would be better to throw air out the back except for the fact that the teeny little grille is very ineffective at doing so.... far less then a cadre of exhaust fans in your case. Not to mention the fact that if you have a CLC installed with fans as exhaust, you are likely sucking that GPU air back in thru the rear case slot grilles.
Still this should be good news for the red team, if it can deliver some decent OCs... something no R9 or Fury regardless of reference / non-reference has been able to deliver. as yet. As for the statement about the Fury Being the 980 ... ?
At 1440p I am seeing the reference 980 "beating" the reference Fury by 1% here.... tho I would hardly call 1% a beat down. At 1080p, it's a 14% difference. At 4k, the Fury does a lot better so the folks that comprise 0.07% of the market (7 in 10,000) should definitely go w/ the Fury X if not overclocking their GFX cards
With only non-reference cards being tested to date, the reference Fury's limited OC ability 5.1% (108.1 fps / 102.9 fps) could certainly use a boost. But can Gigabyte get the same 21.7 boost (158.1 / 130.7) they gave the G1 980 over the reference card ? Given that to date, the best they have been able to do with the 390x is 107.1% and 108.2% with the 390, I'm not expecting a
Hopefully, Gigabyte can make a mark here and get a 20% or more OC to make it competitive again.