Gigabyte motherboard shows code A0

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grated parmesan

Sep 16, 2016
I just installed a new mobo (gigabyte ga-z97x-gaming 7) and the system boots up but nothings showing up on my monitor and the debug leds on the mobo say "A0".I do not have the manual, but I have looked up the code on the internet and it means "IDE initialization" or something of that sort. I do not know what that means sadly. Please help.

I didn't have to wipe my drive the last time that I upgraded my motherboard. The issue is that my computer isn't outputting to my display. So I can't get into the bios or anything.
Ok so I tried booting with the hdmi plugged into the motherboard opposed to the graphics card, and it booted perfectly fine. Now I am getting the code D4. Which in the manual says "PCI resource allocation error. Out of Resources." So I'm not sure if that means there's something wrong with my gpu or what.

Kinda like walking across a 2 lane highway with a blindfold on. Just cause ya didn't get killed once, doesn't make it recommended practice. Whether its successful depends on how different that MoBos are. Upgrading from an Asus Z87 to Asus Z97 will likely work if you upgrade all the drivers. But upgrading from an older style non overclocking budget board to a Z270 from another vendor w/ different audio, LAN storage etc and UEFI ... I wouldn't dream of it.

And a successful boot is by no means indicative of "no problem". Have has many builds left on my workbench where folks did this and after doing properly, problems disappeared and performance significantly increased.


I just tested it with the hdmi plugged into my mobo opposed to my graphics card and everything booted just fine. But when I plug it into my graphics card it won't output to my display and shows the debug code D4 which means "PCI resource allocation error. Out of Resources." does that mean that there's something wrong with my graphics card or motherboard?
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