Gigabyte's 320GB Windows 7 Tablet Hits Taiwan

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I wish they didn't put ATOM in everything and started using AMD's Fusion in stuff, It's faster than atom (fast enough to actually notice it) and it would overall provide a better experience.
[citation][nom]shreeharsha[/nom]"Gigabyte-Ethernet" means 8 Gigabit Ethernet.[/citation]

that doesn't make any sense. Either #1 gigabyte made the network controller or #2 they meant to say gigabite which neither means 8 gigabite. The speed in Bytes is 134.21MB bites its 1.048Gb. Unless there is a new network speed standard I'm unaware of however. Of course I'm sure they do the rounding down cheat had drive makers use.

But yeah the atom thing is why i still stay away from windows pads. which honestly always look better to me anyways then the other pads. that and i want the windows OS but i don't want atom. Rather have fusion or tegra.
Who needs Honeycomb or iOS when you can have a full-blown copy of Windows 7 on a tablet?

Hmm.. sometimes people keep forgetting.

First, Windows 7 is designed to work with pointy-sharp-edged thing more commonly known as a mouse-cursor.

Second, there are some damn good reasons why iPad1/2 and Android tabs works. Simplification!

Don't forget, Microsoft tried once with XP tablet and all that whooplah. Didn't work did it?
i have a gigabyte m912 convertible tablet that i got for the equivalent price of $450 and I'm really happy with it. The only complaints I have is it runs too hot and has a small battery/short battery life, so I was looking forward to them releasing an AMD Fusion version with bigger batteries. That they stuck with Atom is kinda disappointing.
[citation][nom]bachok83[/nom]Hmm.. sometimes people keep forgetting.First, Windows 7 is designed to work with pointy-sharp-edged thing more commonly known as a mouse-cursor.Second, there are some damn good reasons why iPad1/2 and Android tabs works. Simplification!Don't forget, Microsoft tried once with XP tablet and all that whooplah. Didn't work did it?[/citation]

They also had no video acceleration hardly any way of connecting to other devices and no cloud computing looming over the horizon. (like it or not Cloud is IMO what these devices are really aiming for. At least thats when we will see their full potential.) I think new tablets have a huge one up on the old days tablets. Though I'm not saying they are worth their time now for the most part. But you cant really compare the two. Yes windows is best used with a mouse. I didn't however have any issues running windows with my finger other then say right click 😛
When is someone going to partner with WACOM and make a good pressure sensitive tablet for the designers ?
About time they did it. Thanks to Gigabyte,we have finally got a normal operating system based tablet to use with a large enough hard drive disk. Although I do prefer Asus,I also use Gigabyte a lot also.
As I had used old resistive Windows XP tablets in the past, I was not very enthusiast when I bought a HP TouchSmart tm2 tablet convertible notebook for a very specific purpose (Using as GPS with SkyDemon in airplanes). I believed that I would never use this "tool" for anything else than flight planning or inflight gps ... I was wrong !
In fact, there are some minor tweaks in Windows 7 that make it very usable in tablet mode. The checkbox nearby each file in the explorer makes it easy to select multiple files without playing with "ctrl" or "shift", pinch to zoom works almost everywhere, scrolling into the mp3 albums collection with iTunes or WMP works like a charm, the keyboard appears when needed and the capacitive display makes it very responsive.
Even swipe gestures are supported: on the taskbar icons, swipe up on an application and you get a list of the last opened documents, same for IE with the history, swipe left or right to do back/next in IE9 or WMP...
In fact, although I would have liked a dual boot (Windows/Android), I found out that Windows 7 never looks stupid compared to iOS or Android ... as long as we don't talk about power management ;-)
[citation][nom]bachok83[/nom]Don't forget, Microsoft tried once with XP tablet and all that whooplah. Didn't work did it?[/citation]
Comparing Apples and Oranges again guys.

XP was good, 10 years ago, it has aged very badly and the only reason Win 7 hasn't taken all it's user base is the huge base of business users that don't do anything other than send emails and use office.

Also - best thing I like about this is the fact it has a slot for a 3G card instead of being built in - face it if you buy one of these you likely will have a smartphone as well, so why shell out for a data plan for both? Just use the wifi and tethering.
[citation][nom]beayn[/nom]But you can't play Angry Birds in windows[/citation]

Actually, you can play angry birds along with Flight control HD in windows. It's called "intel App up center" This app store offers 24 hour money back if not satisfied. I put the above mentioned apps on my 4 year old's netbook. Although tablets are neat to look at I don't think that I will ever buy one. The transformer comes the close but still needsbetter specs, more storage and windows 7.
[citation][nom]beayn[/nom]But you can't play Angry Birds in windows[/citation]
[citation][nom]keither5150[/nom]Actually, you can play angry birds along with Flight control HD in windows[/citation]

Plus there are like a gazillion games that are mile better for free on Candystand, good thing Windows has no restrictions on Flash gaming websites.
Looks awesome but...

Why would you really need 320GB in a tablet anyways? I'd be happier with a 64GB SSD instead. And although I really like some of Intel's processors, the Atom has always left a bad taste in my mouth. :heink:
Does anyone know if this has an "active digitizer" pen ability for inking?
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