Gigabyte's 320GB Windows 7 Tablet Hits Taiwan

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[citation][nom]soccerplayer88[/nom]Looks awesome but...Why would you really need 320GB in a tablet anyways? I'd be happier with a 64GB SSD instead[/citation]
A screen that big is crying out for video playback of my greater-than-1GB-per-episode-MKV-HD-torrent-TV-shows so maybe once i've dropped 40GB of my music collection on it I don't have much space left.
Carrying a projector + notebook is anything but fun so that tablet has its "niche". The HDD is perfect for video storage.

For anything else there are better choices out there.
[citation][nom]EnFoRceR22[/nom]that doesn't make any sense. Either #1 gigabyte made the network controller or #2 they meant to say gigabite which neither means 8 gigabite. The speed in Bytes is 134.21MB bites its 1.048Gb. Unless there is a new network speed standard I'm unaware of however.[/citation]
No, they are right, gigabyte ethernet (1GB) would be 8 gigabit ethernet (8Gb), since 8 bits make one byte.

Going by the article it's kind of obvious they meant gigabit ethernet, but using the word gigabyte so much they just slipped.
[citation][nom]Camikazi[/nom]No, they are right, gigabyte ethernet (1GB) would be 8 gigabit ethernet (8Gb), since 8 bits make one byte.Going by the article it's kind of obvious they meant gigabit ethernet, but using the word gigabyte so much they just slipped.[/citation]

no that doesn't make any sense. you have it backwards.. it takes 8 bits to make a byte so you have to divide the 1Gb by 8 and thats your actual number. you even have the GB and Gb backwards. for example 10Mb is actually more around 1.310 MB (using rounded numbers of course) my 20 meg line's real speed is approximately 2.621 MB

I did this a clumsy way but i hope it shows better how to calculate bites into bytes.

1048576 bites in a MB (this value will be B, A will be actual Bytes )

10 * B ( B = 1048576) / 8 = A ( A = 1,310,720 )

Now my numbers could be off but so far they have proven accurate for me.

Now 1Gb would be

1000 * 1048576 / 8 = 131,072,000 MB

This is assuming we are using real (decimal) 1024 bytes

Even if the network card was capable of 1 GB which its not its only doing 1Gb it still wouldn't be capable of 8x its rated speeds.
Due to protocol overhead gigabit ethernet is NOT capable of doing 125MB/s = 1Gbps. In practise typical home PCs are years away from challenging the bandwidth limits.
i didn't add the 10% to 15% overhead into that i was just giving max raw numbers sorry. your right however on the typical user. Though using NAS the gigabite network is a must for me at least. I know E sata would be a much better connection for this But i opted for all 6 of my sata 3 ports to be internal for the internal 4 hard drives and 2 bluerays. I know i don't need those internal nor would i need dual bluerays for writing disks on the fly I'm just weird :) It was easier to connect 5 hard drives in a NAS box to the other computers then open anything on any one computer to the network and or internet ( yes i use VPN as well. ) I have been making my own cloud server for years now. with upload speeds as high as 30Mb i didn't see any reason not to.

I am by no means the average user of course i was just explaining something i guess i didn't really have to as it doesn't hold true for as you said the typical user.
I bought something similar online and it was the best decision I ever made. I got mine over at fastertablet. Com for $450. The only difference is that it has HDMI out instead of VGA.
does anyone know if this tablet has a wireless network card built in like laptops or do you need to use a wireless adaptor to get wireless connectivity
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