News Gigabyte's RTX 4090 Gaming OC Available at $1,709

"In fact, with manual overclocking, the Gigabyte card trades blows with other models, and you're basically subject to the silicon lottery as much as anything — plus whether or not the manufacturer used faster memory chips."

By the way, did some of the AIBs used a faster memory chip as well. I thought all 4090 cards must be having 21Gbps VRAM speed ? Or, you meant some other thing ?
The 4090 is a hard card to find right now. This is available so buy it if you’re in the market for the best card out right now, buy it. Ignore the whiners, they’re stupid.
Gigabyte store had the Aorus in stock for the better part of today along with the OC.

Newegg had the OC, TUF, and Gaming x Trio in stock multiple times today.

if you’re in the US and want a 4090 you can obtain it fairly quickly now.
In Canada, a 4090 cost 2680$ after taxes... it is literally 900$ more expensive than an AIB 7900XTX that is 15% slower....

I remember when 100$ was getting you 15% more performance... not 900$...

I assume $2680 is in CAD which is about 2k USD after taxes.
By the way, could it brew a cup of coffee? Seriously... assuming one would have a custom cooling solution, which draws water and outputs it like a drip coffee maker, would a peak performance e.g. for 5 minutes be enough to have a cup of coffee ready?
I just checked Newegg and this article is a flat out lie. Still over $2G

No, it's not a lie. Last when I checked yesterday the GPU was indeed selling for 1709 USD. It looks like it was a limited time offer/discount. Either that, or the GPU is out of stock as shown here on NewEgg:

It still says 1709 here, as of this writing:

GIGABYTE Gaming GeForce RTX 4090 Graphics Card PCIe 4.0 24GB -

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The 4090 is a hard card to find right now. This is available so buy it if you’re in the market for the best card out right now, buy it. Ignore the whiners, they’re stupid.

Whos whining?

ohhhh you mean the people that work for their money?

Refusing to pay scalping prices for hardware to play games on a luxury item is not whinning, that is called being money efficient, unless of course mommy and daddy gave you a unlimited credit card, then in that case, a fool and is money are soon parted.
When video cards were used for commercial use with bitcoin and others, there was illegal price fixing that was never proven. They can no longer lower their prices after justifying the reason for high prices to avoid being indicted for price fixing. If they do lower their prices they need to find a non conflicting reason for being able to lower prices that protects them from being sued for price fixing. I suspect the video card industry will start issuing rebates for new purchases and call it sales promotions or something. I think we all should get a cash back settlement after being ripped off from price fixing.
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This is the penalty for choosing to play at 4K.
True and that is precisely why I now do my 4K gaming on my XBOX Series X and PS5. They can easily do 60FPS in 4K with some up-scaling trade-offs that are really hard to tell a PC game from a current console game. The difference between MSFS 2020 running on my RTX 3080 (ULTRA 4K) and XBOX Series X are so close to each other that I honestly can't tell them apart and the Series X version is very smooth.
True and that is precisely why I now do my 4K gaming on my XBOX Series X and PS5. They can easily do 60FPS in 4K with some up-scaling trade-offs that are really hard to tell a PC game from a current console game. The difference between MSFS 2020 running on my RTX 3080 (ULTRA 4K) and XBOX Series X are so close to each other that I honestly can't tell them apart and the Series X version is very smooth.
I've been playing first person shooter games (mouse & keyboard) for 23+ years now. I can't imagine getting less than 100 FPS.