Rafael Mestdag :
When I say ready, I don't mean a PC by IBM or DELL or something. I mean something YOU chose to put together, BUT left it to a technician do the job and only buy the PC AFTER it's been tested in front of you and with at least a one year warranty on all components.
Be honest and tell me you wouldn't recommend this to a good friend instead of buying parts separate and then putting them together by himself.
Building a PC is NOT that hard. Any semi-rational 12 year old can do it.
The problem comes in when people have 'a little bit' of knowledge, and skips steps.
Not following directions. Not reading the user manual. Not taking the 10 seconds to FIND the user manual.
Going online and finding some absolute crap instructions from a twitchy utube video, for a whole different problem.
Rushing through things, not taking the time to get it right.
For instance..I've seen people post an issue that requires an OS reinstall.
30 minutes later, they're back, wondering why their game performance sucks. Well, ya big dummy...your brand new OS is still running its basic updates.
But the people you see here with issues are the ones that
have issues. You don't see the other thousands of people that build, install, update, and proceed on without a problem.