magnetite2 that is an endorsement for cyber bullying by some one much bigger and more powerful than you.
bully's censor what other people say all the time, all they do is make a fist and hold it up for the speaker to see or start smacking that fist in their other hand.
the very moment you repress or silence some one is the moment speech is not free any more, you put a price tag on their thoughts and actions as well as their voice.
leeb2013 i can tell you are not a new yorker, nor an american. if you can't handle some one saying something bad about you, you need to seek a professional head shrink. i've got all kinds of people saying bad things about me because i make them look bad, or because i am worse than they are, or because i look nice or terrible, or an idea i had was just half baked or got their prize plan tossed out or interfered with their own personal criminal or self profiting agenda...the list is too damn long. grow a pair and man up stop clucking like an old hen adapt and over come or fight fire with an atomic bomb.
if you have a problem with this then your best solution is to remove every ones brain and install every one with the same robotic program you desire them to have and settle for nothing ever getting better and nothing changing and the world as a whole going down the drain.
while i know what american rights and freedoms are, most people aren't willing to see the pro's and the cons, let alone measure them or fight for them " thinking hurts their brain and feelings "
and at the same time i understand the rest of the world is not america and you have only what your government ALLOWS you to have and that it's citizenry lacks the will to fight for more than that. as far as i am concerned, you ALLOW your government to do that to you, and you will do nothing that is required to take what you want....and that's fine by me, just don't ask me to bleed, sweat, cry or pay for you to have the ability to have more.... you will just piss it away because your country en masse don't want it , don't value it, and are unwilling to die for it if necessary. current examples are iraq and afganistan.