[citation][nom]cabose369[/nom]ahahah all you stupid Gmail fan boys who yesterday put "thats why gmail is better", blah, blah, blah... not so smart are you now. Besides... is a phishing scam. If you are stupid enough to put your login info on a phishing site you deserve to lose your data.[/citation]
lol that's what I love about dumbasses "this is better than that" (mac is better than pc, pc is better than mac, coke is better than pepsi pepsi is better than coke etc...) when realistically most products are the same and everyone is suppose to be sheeped to one side or another. I've got gmail yahoo aol (blah stupid aol 😉 and hotmail. guess what, they all do the SAME THING lol. one isn't better than the other although well I don't know if you can search emails in yahoo I don't use it enough to know. but you can in hotmail and gmail. is anything passworded 100% secure? no. lol.
but back on topic, I haven't changed my passwords.. I doubt I was affected but even if I was i really don't care. ppl can go in my email all they want there isn't much of any use inside my email accounts.