Going Wireless, suggestions?



Hey All,
I'm getting a new system soon, which will require a few keyboard/mouse changes. Anyone have any recommendations for a Wireless Keyboard, Wireless mouse, and a KVM switch?
Wireless Keyboard - Must be ergonomic, preferably MS Internet Pro sytle.
Wireless Mouse - Optical prefered, more features the better.
KVM Switch - 1 Keyboard, 1 Mouse, 1 Monotor, 3 Computers.

Any/All Suggestions welcome!


For a cpu switch I personaly like the Belkin models, there small so they don't take up all that much space.
I set up my wife with a Logitech wireless keyboard & mouse and they work great. You can walk accross the room and still use them plus it cleans up the desk from the wires.
The logitech keyboard and mouse wireless combos are good. We had one in or tech bay at best buy. They work good, take a hell of a lot of abuse, and work at a good range. Not sure about the optical mouse or ergonomic keyboard being wireless, but i havent seen any wireless ones like that.

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