Good Budget PC?


Aug 13, 2014

I tried making my own build and can anyone tell me if this build is good enough to run dayz or cs or tf2? I have this motherboard for free from my dad so im trying to build around it.... I have 300$ to buy the other parts not including os/accessories/monitor/or moba.

Would this cpu go good with this moba?
Whats a good cheap case?
and anything else?


Are you overclocking? If no, dont get a cpu fan. Stock fans are in the bundle for a reason. They give you enough performance to play games. Yes it may be louder by a small fraction but seriously, is it worth the $35 dollars? no.

Dont need to get 1600mhz ram. 1333mhz does the same performance until you get into higher end programs like running apps, videoediting and you may find a small edge on the 1600 like one frame but no difference at all.

see corsairs 430w builder. I think thats a bit cheaper by 5 or 10$. Got mine for $20 so look for deals.

Take the money you saved and put it into the graphics card. That 6570 will give you enough power to run like flash games haha. Its efficient but certainly wont give you the full experience...
Are you overclocking? If no, dont get a cpu fan. Stock fans are in the bundle for a reason. They give you enough performance to play games. Yes it may be louder by a small fraction but seriously, is it worth the $35 dollars? no.

Dont need to get 1600mhz ram. 1333mhz does the same performance until you get into higher end programs like running apps, videoediting and you may find a small edge on the 1600 like one frame but no difference at all.

see corsairs 430w builder. I think thats a bit cheaper by 5 or 10$. Got mine for $20 so look for deals.

Take the money you saved and put it into the graphics card. That 6570 will give you enough power to run like flash games haha. Its efficient but certainly wont give you the full experience for dayz. I recommend getting a 7770 (i ihave and its wonder) or get an apu.

here is a suggestion:

oh i forgot that you needed a case. Honestly, any case is fine at this point. The budget is pretty low that temperature, space, etc matters. Dont feel bad I have a $400 budget pc and Im using a $24 case. If you are on a budget, just buy whatever because you cannot get any aesthetics. Just buy from reputable company. One I like is NZXT source 210. Its clean and slim for budget builds.

ah but it looks like that cpu overheats easily, so id get a fan.