Good Deals on Ram?


Jul 3, 2015
Hello, I'm setting up a few things for my next build, and I was just wondering if anyone could confirm if the RAM I'm looking to get is a good deal, or if someone could refer me to a better deal.
More specifically, I plan on using the RAM I buy with my current computer, as it's currently only at four gigabytes. I'm looking for something that isn't too costly, and will last me a long time. Any ideas?
I'll link the RAM and motherboard I was looking at.

RAM To Be:,%20LLC-_-na-_-na-_-na&cm_sp=&AID=10446076&PID=3938566&SID=
Motherboard To Be:,%20LLC-_-na-_-na-_-na&cm_sp=&AID=10446076&PID=3938566&SID=

Current Motherboard: Asus P6T WS PRO

Thank you in advance!
The G.Skill ram will serve you well for quite a long time. I have 4 sticks that I now use in my HTPC, 2 of which are at least 3 to 4 years old at this point. They were in my gaming rig, but I saved some money by moving two sticks to the htpc. I recently upgraded my gaming rig with G.Skill Sniper series DDR3 2133 so all four of my ripjaws are in the htpc.
Obviously I'm a G.Skill fan, but they have high quality ram without the price of big name brands, can't beat that.

I would go with these though. Only 5 bucks more but tighter timings. Lower latency is better.
The G.Skill ram will serve you well for quite a long time. I have 4 sticks that I now use in my HTPC, 2 of which are at least 3 to 4 years old at this point. They were in my gaming rig, but I saved some money by moving two sticks to the htpc. I recently upgraded my gaming rig with G.Skill Sniper series DDR3 2133 so all four of my ripjaws are in the htpc.
Obviously I'm a G.Skill fan, but they have high quality ram without the price of big name brands, can't beat that.

I would go with these though. Only 5 bucks more but tighter timings. Lower latency is better.
I'm pretty sure that the X58 platform can only use 4gb per stick (max 24gb by using 6x4gb sticks) so those probably won't run in your current system. I didn't see anything on the memory QVL indicating 8gb per module compatibility. You might hold off until someone can confirm that for sure.

Oh? I see.
Well then, can anybody confirm this?
Even then, I may go with the recommended memory, even if I can't use it on my current system. I'd rather have something that's sure to work on my next build than something that will work with my current one.
Missed the part about using them on your current mobo - that may be a no-go as the RJ-X are made with high density memory chips which X58 mobo often won't take. And Larkspur is correct, generally the X58 won't take 8GB sticks and those are high density chips also. If you NEED something that should work on both the old and the new would look at the Original RipJaws (not the X or Z lines), the original were made with low density chips
Ok so the ASUS website says 24gb max for your current board, but the manual says 12gb max. Unless they did a bios update at some point that allowed for higher density ram to be use, I'd go with the manual. The Qualified Vendors List in the manual is only showing 1 and 2gb sticks.