Good monitor that pairs with r9 390


Jul 1, 2015
Hello, I finally(almost) finished my build at the beginning of this month! I have been having an issue with multiple games such as Unravel, where the game will load in the background but not visually I tried using a DVI monitor and it worked, which is what I plan on getting for my new gpu(R9 390). I am also experiencing screen tears in alot of my games. I need something that is under $215, has the right cords that will pair with my gpu, 1080p(or better), HDMI cables preferably, and a 5ms or less response time. I am not to knowledgeable about the refresh rates, but I heard higher refresh rates can help out in FPS games. I honestly dont play too many FPS games, but the smoother experience when I do would be great. I also heard a Free Sync monitor works great for my problems, as its basically the same concept as G-Sync for NVIDIA(or at least from what I understand). Thanks for reading!