Good Pc Bad framerates


Oct 15, 2016
To start of these are my specs Amd FX-8350 GTX 970 HyperX ddr3 8gb and a 1tb wd blue drive
roughly costed 1300$ CAD

and in a lot of games i'm getting pretty bad frame rates in h1z1 i get like 45 on ultra low quality and like 60 in gta5 with insane drops down to 20 fps every 10 seconds

i already monitored my CPU temps and they're fine and all of my drivers are up to date i really don't know whats going on i didn't spend 1300 hundred dollars to be playing and awful quality and bad frame-rates

Also i looked up videos of people with my same specs running gta5 and they are getting awesome frame-rates on ultra look.

UPDATE*** i dont know if this helps at all but i get 300fps in csgo and like 110 in overwtch

Please post your full spec - including PSU etc.

Generally speaking, poor performance (assuming decent enough hardware) are caused by:
1. Overheating - are you monitoring your GPU temps in addition to your CPU? What program are you using?

2. OUtdated/incorrect drivers - you say your drivers are up to date. You downloaded from motherboard manufacturer site, and from nVidia directly? Is this a clean install of your OS? Or did you bring it with you from an old build?*

3. Instability in the system. Are you overclocked? Which PSU do you have?

Do you monitor your CPU/GPU useage in game at all? Is one or the other maxing out at 100% at any point?

My power supply is a a corsair cx750 watt bronze certified
I have a clean install of my OS
Ive downloaded my drivers directly form the manufacturers websites
I am not overclocked
Im using core temp for my processor heat temperature
and im pretty sure its impossible for the gpu to overheat if you have sufficient ventilation in you case (which i do) because the manufacturers are the ones who put the fans on the gpu
Oh it's definitely possible. The fan can be defective, or not connected (as an example). Never assume the temps are ok.
In a perfect world, you'd be right.

If it's a clean OS install, the correct drivers are installed and your CPU temps are ok, you definitely want to check your GPU temps are fine too.
H1Z1 and Planetside 2 are built on the same engine. As a Planetside 2 vet, I will say this: that engine will murder your CPU. 45 FPS on ultra low is actually pretty good for an octacore FX. Crank up GPU-centric settings like model quality and texture quality, while turning down/off things like shadows, foliage, particle effects, and render distance, and see if the fps drops get less severe.

H1Z1 framerates scale the most with two things: CPU single core IPC, and CPU clock speed. No FX CPU will ever accomplish this, since it has extremely poor single core IPC, and to make matters worse, the architecture prevents its high clock speeds from helping.

I guess I'll use LtHale as the perfect example here. He had extremely poor framerates in Planetside with an FX8320 and a GTX 1070, averaging in the 40-45fps with frequent dips into the single digits on ultra potato graphics (1440p monitor though). We convinced him to go intel, and he got himself a full suite including am i5 6600k. At stock clocks with maxed graphics settings and the same GTX1070, he's well into the 140fps+ average, and the lowest dips going into the 70's. With a mild overclock to 4.4ghz, his average framerate was very close to 180. This short anecdote should demonstrate how CPU-heavy H1Z1 is.

Now, crap framerates in GTA5 on super low settings? Something's not right with your settings, unless you have the redux mod installed, and have the view distance (LOD, super CPU heavy) and population (also super CPU heavy) all maxed out. The numbers you're getting for CS:GO and Overwatch sound about right though, since they aren't super CPU-heavy.

HOLY COW im idling at 65 Celsius
what do i do?
Ok, that's definitely high..... First thing, is confirm the number is accurate.
Where did you get that number from? Which program?

MSI Afterburner, HWMonitor and others are all pretty good - download a secondary monitor program, and ensue it's reporting similar numbers too. No sense trying to 'fix' a problem, that is actually only that one program is mis-reading temps.

Ok turns out that that wasnt the problem i set my fans to 100% speed and tried h1z1 and it was the same fps at 100% speed it idles at around 40c ish

any other ideas?

What kind of motherboard are you running? Your issues sound like typical VRM throttling. GPU's have a max temp upwards of 95'C. I doubt you're overheating a GPU.

i dont know the exact type but its a gigabyte
the box is buried in the back of our storage locker

how do i find out if "vrm throttling" is happening?


Come on man you can do better than that. We're trying to help, help us too. Look at your motherboard. There should be white lettering with the model number.

You might be able to find the model through software. Try using CPU-Z or HWmonitor and see if it's listed. You can also use the "System Information" application built into Windows to see if it's there.

VRM (Voltage regulation model) is what handles the power applied to your CPU. On an FX build, these are notorious for overheating and causing throttling issues. Especially with top end CPU's like 8350 (125 watt TDP).
An easy way to tell if they are overheating is physically touching them or knowing which motherboard you have and analyzing if the VRM's would be an issue.

My advice to you is if you haven't already, reformat and install Windows again to confirm no software issues are there. When you are absolutely sure no software or drivers are holding you back, then you can make the assumption your VRM's are throttling.

You are not running gta v maxed out 60fps constant with a 970 and 8320 I dont care what that video shows, turn off extended distance scaling in advanced options, and dont use 4x msaa then maybe. I'm not sure about HIZ1 but I know its horribly unoptimized. And what are cpu temps under load? 40C is fine for idle but if it goes above 62c under load that's not fine, if you are using HWmonitor cpu temp will be called package temp.

Im sorry dude ive tried all of that already
on windows it says that is is unavailable and i cant find the cereal number on the motherboard
are they're any other ways to find out my motherboard

but im pretty sure its not throttling it because under load it is around 40c and idling is like 28c ish


Cereal number... :pfff:

40C under load? I don't know what CPU cooler you have, but it's either really beastly, it's under a really light load, or your CPU is throttling pretty badly.

You're asking us to complete for you a jigsaw puzzle that's missing pieces. Please, fill the pieces in so we can complete the puzzle.

I told you earlier why your H1Z1 performance sucks.
For future reference it's serial number. Not cereal like the food. Don't feel bad though, I make mistakes like that all the time.

However you're not looking for the serial number You're just looking for the model. This is found in the center of most Gigabyte motherboard. It will be like....970a-D3P or..990FXA-UD3....Something along those lines.

Those temps look like liquid cooling temps. What kind of CPU cooler are you running?

VRM temps are not tied to CPU temps. They are a desperate module who's temperature can only be gauged through finger-tips or temp guns.

Find out your motherboard model. I have faith in you.

ok im so sorry but i have the info
this is my motherboard : Gigabyte Ultra Durable 4 Classic GA-970A-D3P Desktop Motherboard - AM
and this is the link to the picture of my temps (WHILE PLAYING H1Z1) :
all temps were using a stock cooler

here is the picture of pc idling :


Use hardware monitor for temps. Those look decent though.

I've owned that motherboard. The VRM setup is decent, but gets very hot.

You should try taking the side panel off your case and running games. Let me know if you get drops. If you have a house fan, blow it inside the case to promote airflow.


i took the side panel off had a fan blowing in it and i still got some fps drops
on hardware monitor the temps were the same as the other programs i used

Damn. The VRM's might not be the culprit then.

Have you tried a clean install of Windows yet? This will take some time but it will rule out any software issues.

If you're using Windows 10, simply use the "Reset this P.C" via the start menu search.

ugh :I i have got so many games on my pc it will take forever to reinstall everything and kill my internet bill


Fair enough. Do you know how to stop certain programs from starting with Windows. Could it be possible another application is interfering with your system and causing lag?

You can use MSconfig or the Task manager can do it in later versions of Windows.


yeah i already have it set to launch my basic programs like razer synapse and discord

Yikes. We're running out solutions here. Other possibilities I can think of is the "Xbox app" causing issues...possibly you have a recording feature in the background capturing your gameplay?

I'm really not sure man. I think your frames are somewhat acceptable in H1Z1. I don't feel like the FPS drops are though.

I use a similar setup. An 8350 with a GTX 980. The difference is I'm overclocked to 4.94Ghz. My H1Z1 FPS is 80-120. my GTA V FPS is 60-100. I also have a healthy system with an SSD drive that I reformat every few months.

I wish I could help you out more. Sorry.


ok thank you for all your help maybe when i get unlimited bandwidth il reformat it