Good places to buy a cheap pre-built gaming pc?


Jan 20, 2016
So I'm currently saving up to buy a gaming pc. At first I was planning to build my own but then I thought it would be better to buy a prebuilt and just add onto it. I'm not sure where to really look for good pre-built PCs.
its better to build it your own for performance/buck.
Many people on this forum that couldn't build ikea furniture managed to build a pc.
It might have took them 10+hours but i really recommend to build your own.

I think I will now. I did some more comparing of prices and stuff and I think building would be a better option for me. Thanks.

Thanks for the offer, but I think I want to build it myself 😉

Thanks for the tips (I already knew most of them 😛) if you want to see what I plan to build, I just created a thread about it