good puzzle



Archived from groups: alt.comp.hardware.pc-homebuilt (More info?)

Hi All,

Got an A7N8X Deluxe running a 1600+ and 512 meg Mushkin DDR333(PC2700). Ran
rock solid for about a year. Never a quibble.

Upgraded the CPU to a retail 2800+. Now, occasionally, the system does a
hard lock. It looks like I'm always somewhat busy when it locks - lots of
processes, heavy disk I/O, etc.. Needless to say - a hard reset is very
tough on the filesystem.

I've switched back to the old 1600+ for now. I'm thinking this is a case of
the memory simply not able to function at specs. What do you think?



Feb 26, 2003
Archived from groups: alt.comp.hardware.pc-homebuilt (More info?)

"Roger Tegard" <> wrote in message
> Hi All,
> Got an A7N8X Deluxe running a 1600+ and 512 meg Mushkin DDR333(PC2700).
> rock solid for about a year. Never a quibble.
> Upgraded the CPU to a retail 2800+. Now, occasionally, the system does a
> hard lock. It looks like I'm always somewhat busy when it locks - lots of
> processes, heavy disk I/O, etc.. Needless to say - a hard reset is very
> tough on the filesystem.
> I've switched back to the old 1600+ for now. I'm thinking this is a case
> the memory simply not able to function at specs. What do you think?
> Roger

I think it's a weak power supply. That's what your symptom points to. It
makes sense, as your processor is drawing more current, and that's before
you add in the fact that your faster processor can cause other components to
draw current faster also, by keeping them running faster trying to keep up
with your faster CPU. -Dave


Mar 30, 2004
Archived from groups: alt.comp.hardware.pc-homebuilt (More info?)

as Anon said, and also your memory timing settings. Whenever I change
out a major piece of hardware I like to reset the cmos.


"Roger Tegard" <> wrote in message
> Hi All,
> Got an A7N8X Deluxe running a 1600+ and 512 meg Mushkin
DDR333(PC2700). Ran
> rock solid for about a year. Never a quibble.
> Upgraded the CPU to a retail 2800+. Now, occasionally, the system
does a
> hard lock. It looks like I'm always somewhat busy when it locks -
lots of
> processes, heavy disk I/O, etc.. Needless to say - a hard reset is
> tough on the filesystem.
> I've switched back to the old 1600+ for now. I'm thinking this is a
case of
> the memory simply not able to function at specs. What do you think?
> Roger


Archived from groups: alt.comp.hardware.pc-homebuilt (More info?)

Roger Tegard wrote:
> Hi All,
> Got an A7N8X Deluxe running a 1600+ and 512 meg Mushkin
> DDR333(PC2700). Ran rock solid for about a year. Never a quibble.
> Upgraded the CPU to a retail 2800+. Now, occasionally, the system
> does a hard lock. It looks like I'm always somewhat busy when it
> locks - lots of processes, heavy disk I/O, etc.. Needless to say - a
> hard reset is very tough on the filesystem.
> I've switched back to the old 1600+ for now. I'm thinking this is a
> case of the memory simply not able to function at specs. What do you
> think?

In the case of the 2800+, is the memory in sync with the FSB at 166MHz ?
RAM timings set manually ?


Archived from groups: alt.comp.hardware.pc-homebuilt (More info?)

S.Heenan wrote:

> In the case of the 2800+, is the memory in sync with the FSB at 166MHz ?
> RAM timings set manually ?

Yes, the FSB is set to 166mhz and the bios correctly ID the processor as a
2800+. All timings are set to {optimal} which is the "safe" settings on
Asus. I could manually derate the memory settings but I think I'll try a
new power supply first (I ordered a new one about 4 days ago)....
