Good question: Why Intel does not make an application that measures CPU cores temperature ?


Apr 30, 2007
Title says it all. Why ?
Does that imply that core temp doesn't matter ? and CPU temp is the important temp to monitor ? and CPU Tcase is the factor to consider when alarming temp is reached so CPU can throttle its speed ?

A question for discussion

Devoting time ? will it take even days to make such an application ? a Sunday coder can probably write an app for this purpose in few hours or day, I am not saying it is soo easy or being unthankful for those who make those monitoring applications, but this is Intel we're taking about.

Plus I am sure they would have much less headache from unhappy customers if they think aftermarket cpu core temp apps are not designed as they should. So why no "official" core temp app ?

They don't need to.

Intel has a very specific and very well documented method of accessing the digital thermal sensors located in each CPU core as well as how to access this externally through the PECI hardware interface.