I'd like to cover my bases first: I'm no Apple fanboy. I dual boot Xubuntu and Win7 and my mobile devices are Android based. I don't hate Apple though. I appreciate them for their innovations.
With that said, here's the thing: Many people claim to hate Apple and all their products. They despise Apple. But then, every time Apple releases something new and successful EVERY OTHER company starts churning out that product with slight changes.
How many successful hard drive based MP3 players existed before the iPod? None. (One terrible one existed, the Archos Jukebox. The interface made it a horror to use)
How many successful multi-touch, keyless smartphones existed before the iPhone? None.
Successful tablet computers before the iPad? None (Because people kept trying to put desktop OS on them)
"App Store" type business models before the App Store? One. Steam. But Steam functions somewhat differently in that it is mostly operating system independent. The new "App Stores" are all for their specific operating system.
Now, of course, Apple didn't straight out invent these things. They saw things that had potential and added the software and some hardware engineering to get rid of the problems that were keeping them from being successful.
But, everyone wants to hate Apple. You 'hate' them, and then you buy hardware that heavily borrowed from their innovations. I have no problems with competition borrowing, but it's this ridiculous mindset of badmouthing Apple product and design and then lusting after something that is almost exactly the same "But it's not Apple!"
What kind of complex do you think you'd have if everyone always shat all over you, despite your innovations, then bought up the next generation of products that were heavily based on those innovations? I'm sure you'd be pissed and you'd go after those companies with a vengeance, public appearance be damned.