that Google will now face HUGE pressure from broadband and cable providers that feel threatened by what Google is doing. There is going to be TONS of money flooding into the hands of lobbyist, law-makers, and sweet-heart jobs offered to law makers family members.
Make no mistake the push for ending 'net neutrality' will not stop and when we drop our guard, if but for a moment, they will rewrite what we now know as the internet. I have no faith in corporations to NOT influence our laws, our legislation, and the business process in such a fashion so as to shut out Google completely...maybe even try and break them up via Anti-trust laws.
It is unfortunate in this country that we seem to feel everything from health care to the internet operate best on a 'for profit' model even when it (the service) is in the public good and that public good (whether it reduced sick days or increased access to data) outweighs this canard of profit profit profit.
Stay vigilant, disable your ad-blockers, and do not let congress further empower entrenched broadband and cable providers at the expense of all Americans.