Question Google Files & Photos apps query


Mar 8, 2014

Regarding the Safe Folder in Google Files and the Locked Folder in Google Photos, how do you move folders containing files to either of these?


Second line on the menu.

Check the quick search.

= = = =

However, that all said, what is the specific problem - if there is one?

More information needed.

Yes the problem is I cant move or copy folders to either Safe Folder or Locked Folder but it works for individual files. Can new folders be created in Safe Folder or Locked Folder?
When you attempt to move the folders do any pop-up windows or errors appear?

If so, what do the pop-up windows and/or errors say?

Yes in those google phone apps, nothing happens when I touch press on a folder to move. Is it possible to move/copy/cut & paste folders containing files or media files to either the safe folder or locked folder? Confused what is the difference between safe folder and locked folder?
Probably a question more applicably addressed to Google.

Especially if nothing happens when folders are "touched".

You may be running afoul of some security and access requirements.

Either moving files in and/or out of the folders in question.

Contact Google about the accounts and access problems.
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