Macs are for dummies. Power users use Windows. Tech savvy people use Linux. Of course higher income people have Macs because they can actually afford them, but that doesn't make them better. Which could also influence your Consumer Reports theory since they only survey people who buy Consumer Reports which is flawed research in itself. Macs continue to have minimal market share and it's actually been decreasing over the past year in the computer world. Of course having a lot of money, you'll buy more consumer electronics because you can afford them. It doesn't mean that you know how to use them fully otherwise you probably wouldn't be buying so much random crap. Who needs 4 iPods anyways. It's just the rich blowing money on random stuff because they can. And according to the latest data, ASUS is the leading computer maker in Customer Service, not Apple. I personally use Windows and Linux on my PC and set up a linux server in my house. My wife uses a Macbook Pro. We've had to service the Macbook 4 times in 3 years and had the whole thing rebuild internally of course a month after the extended warranty ended. My PC's have never failed me Windows or Linux based over the past 4 years and if I need to repair it, I could do it myself and for a lot less money.