[citation][nom]nacho_libre[/nom]Android isn't as free(libre) and open as Linux was meant to be, but OTOH, it's a helluva lot more free and open than Windows or OSX ever will be. So, credit where credit is due, Google is a much better company than MS or Apple.[/citation]
What world do you live in where the defining characteristic of a "much better company" is based on whether something is "free and open", or, at least in Google's case "free and pseudo-open"?
Such a ridiculous statement. The only thing they can possibly be given, in regards to "credit", is that they made a product that some people will like, and that they managed to whip up a media-frenzy, and that even more people will swallow the hogwash that is Google's claim that Android, and Honeycomb, are "Open Source".
That is all.