I think google is getting to big for its self. I mean its great they caught this and want to help make things more secure. At the same time who will police google? I mean chrome is a very widely used browser. Its almost everywhere along with google. What happens when google makes risky choices who will step in and say no... Such as Android Security? Android security is in shambles and the hole blaming the carriers thing really holds no water if you look at it unbiased. Special when there willing to trade blows with someone like Symantec over security concerns. At this point do you really think if Google told someone like Verizon. That they will update the phones with security patches on android. Verizon would say no and risk having android yanked from there phone line up? What would they sell? Its pretty much Android, IOS, or Windows.. that it so yea.. So yea whos watching google again? To me coming down on one company and making demands while they them self's have security concerns is kind of the pot calling the kettle black. Though I do admit both issues are major issues when it comes down to it.