bit_user :
alextheblue :
MS says they ... expect to release it on the 8th.
After Putin will have already used this exploit to disrupt the election.
LOL. As you well know, the actual intrusions took place some time ago. There were ways to better secure the devices in question, regardless. Having little to no additional security in place for important systems is a mistake. Also given how recently Google notified them, I'd say their response was pretty fast. Couple of weeks basically including testing.
Anyway, don't want dirty laundry aired? Don't have quite so MUCH dirty laundry TO air. What a treasure trove of emails. Pick a better candidate. Even Bernie would have been a better pick in some regards. On the other side I'd have liked to see Fiorina be more aggressive and gain more traction. Regardless Putin plays both sides, he's worked with the Democrats as well - how quickly we forget Obama's (oops is that camera on) moment of "flexibility" with Putin, and the Russians funneling millions to the Clinton Foundation. Putin is showing the Obamas and the Clintons alike how little he thinks of them and their previous "understanding".
Something else hilarious: Neither candidate knows squat about "The Cyber" or how to secure it!