News Google Stadia's Upcoming Launch Looking Increasingly Incomplete


Jun 26, 2007
The lag-reducing technology was so amazing it unintentionally produced a time portal where all Stadia features and games where transported to the future!

Why would I pay a subscription fee to have the privilege to pay full price for games?

You don't need to buy the sub. You can (in the future, like all Stadia features announced) just buy the hardware, pay for the games and skip the sub. Or buy the Pro subcription and play the games available on it.


Oct 19, 2011
Looks like Google is already setting itself up for failure and culling of Stadia. You don't break into a new market by putting out half a product like this or making the launch confusing. First impressions of a new product can make or break it. I don't understand what they're thinking. Google hasn't done their research into failed consoles, streaming services, and online games -- if they had, then Google wouldn't be making such basic mistakes.

I actually want Google to succeed. I'm not interested in seeing yet another walled garden platform, but I do want to see more competition in the gaming space. We have such a rich variety of ideas thanks to the indie space right now. Risks are being taken again. Stadia presents an opportunity for some indies to up their product quality, for Google to found studios to create new games, and for the yearly AAA monotony to be disrupted.