Google Wants 10 Gigabit Internet Speeds: Fast Enough?

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Now Tom's authers cannot distinguish between Gigabit and Gigabyte? 1 Gigabyte is 8 Gigabit. They are not the same thing. Do the reseaching before posting the article!
Lots of people make typos pertaining bits and bytes, no need to get hostile with the guy for making a very common mistake. Just politely let him know, there is no need to be a dick about it.
10Gbps... 1.65x faster than my Sata III SSDs. I think a better goal would be to get everybody on 1Gbps before worrying about anything faster than that. It doesn't make much sense to give the select few 10Gbps when the rest of us are still stuck on 10mbps.
If it helps bring down 10GbE NICS and or bring them to the masses then I am all for it. As it is though, unless targeted towards businesses, it's kind of a useless gesture at this point. I doubt the external infrastructure could even support 10GbE users as many with Google Fiber are all ready reporting that the closest they can get to maxing their pipe is by parallelizing multiple downloads from half a dozen sources.
What's the point? There is no storage device that can write at that speed, a mere 100mbps downstream speed is more than enough until SSD or HDD or the next technology catches up to already available bandwidth norms.
What's the point? There is no storage device that can write at that speed, a mere 100mbps downstream speed is more than enough until SSD or HDD or the next technology catches up to already available bandwidth norms.
The point is 640K was not enough for everybody.
First you need to get 10 GbE to realistic consumer prices. I don't really see what the holdup is. I've had gigabit Ethernet for over a decade now in my home computers. Gigabit switchs have been dirt cheap for quite a while now. It seems that the steps from 10 to 100 to 1000 where all quite quick. Then it just stalled.
Screw the speed, ditch the bandwidth caps. I don't understand why people are scrambling for such speed when the services are specifically set up to guarantee you can't use it. The cloud isn't going to take off in a big way until that changes.
Getting 110-120 mbs down 25 up with Comcast now for $100 a month, plenty fast for me until they decide to go 1 Gigabit.
interesting. People with Google Fiber are getting 10x the down, and 40x the up, for $30 *Less* than what you are paying Comcast. I realize that not everyone has access to Google Fiber, I dont, but FFS, how can you people be hating on progressive tech?

I just want a reliable internet connection that is usable during prime time. Right now my "Ultra" connection from Frontier, which is rated at 12mbps down, gets around 1.5mbps down in the evenings because they oversold the local node. +1 for 'high speed' access in rural America...fml
10 gigabit is long overdue. we have been on 1 gigabit home networks for far too long and the standard has just become decrepit in woefully inadequate for the needs of the user today.10 gigabit ethernet should have been the norm over 5 years ago, and we should now be moving to 16 gigabit, with prospects for 40 gigabit by around 2017, and 100 gigabit fiber by 2020 (at least for the home network). During all of this time, the average ISO throughput to the home should have been half of the home network speeds, with speed packages available to match the home internal networking speeds.
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