Question Got a Panasonic CF-54 that can't use a second battery. Can I just add the cable to the DVD drive bay?


Apr 24, 2014
Like the title says, I bought a CF-54 and I don't care about having a DVD drive. Some CF-54s have an extra cable that allows a second battery to be used instead of a DVD drive. I have found a few places that sell the cable. Can I simply add that cable, or do I have to have a different motherboard too?


Clarification needed:

Your title states" can't use a second battery".

As understand your post the intent is to remove the DVD and place a second battery in that bay.

And if the CF-54 cannot support a second battery there may not even be a port/or pins present to connect the "added cable" via the motherboard.

Not sure about how a second battery would be secured in the DVD drive bay....

Start with the applicable CF-54 Model/version User Guide/Manual with specs, options, and configuration information.

Then if you believe that you have found a way to meet the requirement contact Panasonic to confirm your finding.

Be wary of "compatible with" type products. Just because the second cable may have X number of pins and would plug in accordingly (compatible) that does not mean the pinouts and voltages actually correspond.

Fair chance of causing damage - be very sure before proceding.