Got GTX660. crashed while playing BF3, can't connect my monitor later.

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Mar 6, 2013
Hello, I just built my first rig yesterday. It's all looking good until I started play BF3. I played for 2-3 hours then I crashed. but after I restart my computer my screen go black. I have to plug my monitor VGA to Motherboard instead.
I also smell something burn just after the crash.
Now I have 2 suspects.
1. the VGA to DVI adaptor that I used.
2.The Graphic card Gigabyte GTX660 OC.
I'm not sure what caused this please help me.


It's ok. Just check temp. u can use gpu-z instead.

Why u play game too long!
U OC that gtx660? , so have u check your GPU temp while playing for an hour include CPU too.
look like I didn't check GPU temp.
So here's my spec
CPU i5-3570
Mobo Asus P8Z77-M
GPU Gigabyte GTX660 OC (It's factory OC'd. not me)
PSU Corsair GS 600 (V2 I think. It got 80+bronze)
RAM Corsair vengeance 8GB 1600 MHz
Case Cooler master Elite 310
HDD Seagate baracuda 1 TB 7200rpm
Optical drive Lite-On IHAS124

It's ok. Just check temp. u can use gpu-z instead.
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