Awhile back, while I was on a BSD operating system, I was hacked. I had left the computer for a moment, and when I came back, there was a terminal up and running. Someone was typing away, right in front of my eyes. I saw the word "chroot," get typed and immediately shut down. That meant someone was about to take root control of my computer.
At the time, I was on a music forum, and it uses the Adobe Flash Player (although I had not loaded it on my system). I had assumed BSD, like Linux, was safer than Windows. Apparently not!
Anybody have any thoughts on who may have done this, and how? A Russian hacker? Someone on the music forum? Someone in the BSD community? I have since wiped the drive and now have a Linux system on it.
At the time, I was on a music forum, and it uses the Adobe Flash Player (although I had not loaded it on my system). I had assumed BSD, like Linux, was safer than Windows. Apparently not!
Anybody have any thoughts on who may have done this, and how? A Russian hacker? Someone on the music forum? Someone in the BSD community? I have since wiped the drive and now have a Linux system on it.