GPedit.msc Windows 10 Home edition???

PC Busdriver

Jan 29, 2015
hope someone can help me out, i am trying to locate GPedit.msc on my laptop, however when i type in the search box within the start menu- gedit.msc. my pc cant find it.

read a few forums, apparently gpedit does not exist in windows 10 home edition, is this true? is there a way round it?

i am asking due to the fact when i boot up my lappi, after a period of time, the windows explorer file SysWOW64 automatically pops up. and i wanted to create a GP filter to find out which app, service etc etc is causing this problem.
Is there a way around this?

I dont suspect a virus, although my internet connection is slow at the moment, i have GData Internet security installed and also i ran search and destroy spybot yesterday and this did not find any problems.
The feature you're trying to access is a group policy management console, that is not available in Home editions, no.

SysWOW64 is a Windows process that has multiple sub-processes. If it's eating up your resources, I would recommend running Malwarebytes and see what's going on. Does it do this same thing in Safe Mode?
GPedit.msc is not included in Home editions - there are supposed "hacks" that will add it via registry edits, but I suspect those would cause more harm than good.

SysWOW64 popping up of it's own accord is likely a virus - the process itself is part of Windows, but shouldn't be popping up or 'hogging' resources.