Gpu 7950 problems


Feb 27, 2010
I recently brought a sapphire 7950 vapourx and have had nothing but trouble with it .......
At first it seemed unstable (poor frame rate and slow texture load times ) and the vrm1 was getting too hot 90c at 950 clock ,so I flashed the bios to v09 and it lowers the vrm voltage to 1.5 v which helped with the vrm temp but I am still getting low performance (borderlands 2 is jerky at top settings with physx turned to lowest setting and batman on top settings is pretty unplayable ) over clocking and or lowering settings seem to make no difference
I thought it might be a driver problem so uninstalled all and software with driver deeper then reinstalled but got a bsod on startup after that and had to system restore...

I can't return this card or I would already of changed it for something else
So I was hoping someone knows a fix or has similar problems .......or any help as I am considering selling the card as faulty (still goes for around 100) but don't really want to have to pay 100 more for the 660ti (I am done with and )
Any help would be good cheers


Feb 27, 2010

Will try the older drivers thanks for that ....
As for the temps of 90c wasn't the actual GPU that never went above 55c it was the vram1 when the GPU was at 950 core which isn't stock ,stock is 850
Also it was sorted by the bios update which lowered the from voltage from 1.6 to 1.5
But I cant return the card anyway ................


Nov 22, 2011
Even if you are not able to return your card should have came with any kind of warranty, and as those cards doesnt have more than a year of old, also most manufactures have 2 o more years of warranty I think that you should be able to contact Shappire and try an RMA with them directly.

Also, if you really cant return it, even if Shappire denied any kind of help, you should be able to buy for 10 bucks or less, some memory heatsinks, so they may help reducing temperatures...

Best of lucks about that situation man

Edit: This may help,


Feb 27, 2010
No I really can't return it
Ram temps were a problem but since I updated the bios to v09 which lowered the ram voltage to 1.5 they don't really go above 68c when at 950 clock
Its more just the performance seems pretty terrible and no over clocking or lowering settings seem to help