GPU bottlenecks CPU?


Dec 25, 2014
I am in the process of building a PC for editing and not too intensive gaming and here is my partpicker. Will this GPU bottleneck this CPU. Any recommendations of things that are not ideal for editing?

no it will not bottleneck the cpu. Its a perfectly fine build.


Just because no one talks about it, or cares, GPU's bottleneck the CPU the majority of the time in gaming. If your GPU is used 100%, and the CPU is not, you have a bottleneck. It is just that no one cares about that. People only care if the CPU is holding back the GPU. Most people, that is.

Well I mean I thought it your CPU can bottleneck your GPU the opposite would also be true. I think the i7 is a really nice processor while the r9 380 isnt a top tier GPU