GPU Causing crashes?


Oct 8, 2014
When every i play a game i crash within 5 minutes of playing, my event logs say it Kernel Power 41, and i can say its absolutely not psu or driver related. Im thinking of buying a new gpu and seeing if that fixes it but thats very expensive and i want to be sure. the problem has become more consistant it would originally only crash on a game like counter strike and not regularly, but now it even crashes on minecraft and i can play more than 2 minutes of csgo. help me D:
Hey Rexain

Try removing your graphics card and seeing how your pc runs without it (using onboard graphics).
Does your pc run fine with the graphics card in, if you don'tplay games?
Also if possible try using a friend's graphics card, or taking yours to their computer and plug it in.


dont have onboard graphics, and yes its ok out out games, mall my friends have laptops :/