GPU cuts out during demanding game


Dec 17, 2012
during playing high powered demanding games such as Metro 2033 or Planetside 2 my gpu cuts out, the pc still remains on and running fine, i used windows media player in the back ground to see if it was an effective crash but the music kept playing and changing songs etc but my monitor displayed "no input" and the gpu had shut down

heres my specs

AMD FX-6200
2 8gb sticks of DDR3 1333mhz
1tb hard drive
xigmatek 600watt psu
XFX Radeon HD 7770 Double Dissipation edition
Gigabyte 78lmt-usb3 motherboard

is my gpu not getting enough power? is my motherboard failing? or is my graphics card on the bend? see i ran furmark and unigine benchmarks and burn ins/torture tests and it never once cut out during yet when i play metro 2033 on max settings about 5 minutes in my gpu shuts down

help please :/

oh and ive monitored temperature and voltage, idle my graphics card sits from 30-37 under load it sits from 50-65 (depending on game) voltage under load in gpu-z is 1.2v
CPU is about the same (minus voltages) and everythign else sits around 35-45
okay i did that and it let me play without problems but i didnt play too long just long enough to the point where it cut out before and it worked, scared to play it any longer though as to not cause damage rebooting my pc after cut out thankyou :) any more opinions/advice are welcome
if you can play the game in something other than DX11 do it. the card is very weak for such a demanding game. lower settings. check card for dust build up.

uninstall the HD sound HDMI from device manager. you may be having sound driver conflicts.
is that AMD High Definition Audio Device?

oh and what graphics card would you recommend i use instead? :) thinking about upgrading my price max is £200

what confused me was on max settings id have good frame rates and good temps but it still kicked out

hey man i tried toning down the graphics, turned off D11 went to D10 and it still kicked my gpu off :/ im hoping its either a power failure or graphics card failure and not motherboard problems
did you pull the video card and blow air into the exhaust port so it blows through the fan in the opposite direction it would normally blow ?......... may be clogged with dust. you can also try removing the heat sink, cleaning off the old thermal paste and reapplying new.

I would do the same for my processor ( cpu )............. and check that heat sink for dust build up.

have any other hardware you can swap out? from another computer/family-friends? psu/video card, etc.

pc and graphics card are brand new and the pc besides graphics card has already been back to them once because of faulty PSU s oi had it replaced, the temps o nthe card are fine and my cpu temps are even better averaging around 50-55c under full load :/ im trying to get a graphics card replacement but XFX are terrible for it

man im no good in bios, but my graphics etc were working fine up until i ran Metro 2033 at full
the onboard is deactivated and on max settings in metro with my 7770 i still got 24-30 fps on 720p settings but after a while it trips out, why would it run it ok and not look like its suffering if its too much for it?
im doing research into textures, game play mechanics and animation design, my method of doing that is going into a game, seeing how things react while logging the code differences, ive used 3 different things to monitor temps (speedfan, EVGA Precision and the basic catalyst) i know the rest of my hard ware doesnt over heat since running prime 95 cpu stays at a nice 50-60, PSU never goes above 50, mainboard is usually on around 50, gpu never exceeds 65 even running burn in tests on fur mark and unigine. so its definitely not a heating problem, ive ran voltage checks and when under load it stays at 1.2 for gpu. i have an xbox, theyre shockingly crap

should explain those temps are when the system is under load not idle, they all hover at 30-31 idle
(disabling onboard graphics did nothing) got a friend to look it over, graphics card is going back, getting refund, upgrading PSU and getting the EVGA GTX 660 SC thanks for your advice etc guys.
I apologize for saying F10, it should have been "delete"....... tap delete key while booting. guess that drove you nuts.

just because those temps are where they are doesn't mean the card isn't getting hot. what's measuring the temp of the power circuitry and what's measuring the temps of the ram? processor is another thing.

the PS should have been good enough to run the system.......... didn't forget to power the card ( 6pin pci-e plug into card )?

did your friend disable the on-board graphics ?

did you look to see if you had the latest BIOS ?....... you might be able to find an auto BIOS update tool from the board manufacturers site and update it from the desktop.
naa worked out it wasnt the temps or anything, it was a factor that the card its self was underpowered for metro max settins, though the fps were good it was overloading the card when he went into bios the onboard was already disabled due to the card being installed, il try updating bios and stuff, may aswel try anything until i get the new card right? haha
reason i cut that bit was i was getting good framerates so i didnt think it would cut out because with my old card if i played somethign way too powerful for it it would just display poor fps and stuff not shut off