GPU Fan Amps!


Oct 17, 2014
Hi guys,

One of my Gigabyte SOC GTX470 Fans is dying .. I got a 75 mm replacement 3 pin fan but with 0.30A .. seems the original ones came with 0.20A Fans .. i tried to use the new one but it did not power on .. is it about different amps ? I heard ampage isn't crucial matter with Case fans .. what about GPUs ?

all are 3 pin fans ..12V DC .. dimensions fit perfectly .. only difference is the amps !

Nope I dont have one .. but the main issue here is that Im wondering if amps make a difference to the extent of powering On or Off since gpu fans use a very small amount of current !
try this.... the old fan that came off the videocard, take a 9V battery and some wire, you can even use paperclips and touch the positive and negative to the fan leads and see if it will spin. If you dont know the pin layout just keep trying a combination until you run out of options, it will not hurt the fan if you get them wrong. Since your saying its not working on the videocard if the 9V battery can get it to spin then there is something wrong with the card.

Or you can run out to the local electronics store and pick up a cheap-o volt meter, shouldnt be more then a few bucks and is always a good thing to have.
Thanks faalin, I tried the 9V Bat .. looks like I got a bad replacement Fan .. I ordered a new 0.20A EVERFLOW .. will see how it goes when it arrives & update this post.

Thanks u all