[SOLVED] GPU / Fan / Heatsink Cleaning

Jan 14, 2022
This has probably been asked before but despite searches I'm not finding any decent answer so my apologies.

I've finally caved in and am building myself a new rig.
Based on price point it'll be equivalent processor wise to many of my VM hosts at work.

I am however a heavy smoker and you can imagine what that does to fans. I'm sure you've all seen it. Even I'm disgusted by it.

Given that I'm only replacing the internals (mobo, ram, cooler, cpu) that pretty much just leaves the case, PSU, and fans.
Case is easy to clean. For fans, PSU and GPU however, what's the best way to get rid of the "smokers dust"?
I've been tempted to bathe them all in 99% rubbing alcohol in a makeshift ultrasonic bath but I know this also acts as a solvent.

Any advice would be appreciated. I'd like to clean but don't want to cook/fry or dissolve plastics.
My best advice is to stop smoking.

But, if you must smoke, add a good case to your new build list.
Look for one with a easily removeable , tight and washable front filter.

Could you find an electrostatic filter that can trap smoke and put it in front of the case intake?
My best advice is to stop smoking.

But, if you must smoke, add a good case to your new build list.
Look for one with a easily removeable , tight and washable front filter.

Could you find an electrostatic filter that can trap smoke and put it in front of the case intake?
Indeed the best option would be to stop smoking. I expected this answer however it's sadly not an option that will resolve the current issue.
Although my case isn't idea; it does have a few filters and I plan on improving them I'm still left with the remnants of past neglect.

My real question is with regards to cleaning existing hardware.

I know alcohol evaporates quickly which makes it ideal for cleaning electronics however, in the case of a GPU with plastic and some likely low airflow crevices and/or low spots in which the alcohol could pool and maybe not noticed after reinstalling said hardware.

Is this a wise idea, or should I seek alternate methods.
I'm really just looking for advice on how to clean up past mistakes. Not a lecture on life choices.
I have no experience in removing smoking residue.
If it can be simply wiped off that is a start.
Most things in a pc can be wiped clean. Probably best to avoid solvents, but I think alcohol in a wipe would be ok.
Your most difficult task will be to clean the fans in a gpu.
You may need to dismantle the card to do that.

Best is to keep smoke from entering the case in the first place.

How about positioning a HEPA room air purifier near the pc?