GPU For Gaming : Ultra Setting 50-65 FPS


Dec 23, 2012
Which is better GPU , HD6870 or HD7770 ? My budget is 160 $ . And I don't want to overclock the GPU . just normal use . But for GAMING of course . With 50-65 FPS and ultra setting ?
u wont achieve that performance with that budget, u will have to increase budget to 190$+ to start seeing this kind of performance, 78702gigs minimum or gtx 660 non ti here. and thats just minimum for stable fps at ultra

so think about 210$ prob for such a card.

You can get this hd 7850 for 165 dollars and you get a free farcry 3 game. It can overclock like a beast, has enough graphics memory for your resolutions and it already does better than an hd 6970 at stock speed (without overclocking.)

If you really can't swing the extra 15 bucks, and you're willing to shop on ebay (no bidding), you can get an hd 6870 for 125 bucks which has some overclockability as well.