Question GPU game promotions

Zachary Blackwell

May 1, 2013
Its been a while since I've paid attention to gfx cards. In fact I have a 770(lol) and am currently in the market for a 2080. Does anyone know how long the free game promotions usually last? Battlefield and Anthem seem like a good deal, but I was looking at price trends for previous xx80 cards and there is typically a substantial price drop in May. So I'm debating on waiting until then.
What resolution are you gaming at and what other hardware does your system have? A 2080 is a very high end card, and its performance may be limited by the rest of your system if it's older. If your monitor is only 1080p at 60Hz, then you absolutely shouldn't need a 2080 to run any of today's games. Even something like a 2060 would likely be more than enough, and could offer upward of double the performance of your current card, assuming your CPU doesn't hold it back.
Well its going to turn into a complete rebuild by the summer bc there are so many good games this year. I was maybe going to pull the trigger early on a 2080 if i see a good promotion since i just plug it in my current system temporarily. My current system would bottleneck it now bc most of it is 8 years old. I do however already have the monitors. One is a 240htz 1080p and the other is 100htz 1440p ultrawide.