Question GPU garbage display but not overheating

Jun 3, 2020
(excuse me for my bad grammar)

So I turned on my pc this morning to play my favorite video game then when windows 10 is booting up it suddenly garbage displayed and btw this is not the first time this has happened to my GPU, the first time it garbage displayed was when I first bought it back in 2019 (it was a colorful gtx 750 1gb) it was working just fine until a month has passed then it suddenly garbage displayed so I thought that it was a faulty video card but then this week I tried to test it once more and it miraculously worked well, I also checked the temps after installing the latest drivers from nvidia's website and it was around 40-45 when idle and 50-55 when I'm gaming so I don't think my GPU has overheating problems for it to garbage display.

But the thing is I tried to remove the VGA cable from my monitor then put it back again to test if it will fix the problem but it didn't , so I tried to remove the VGA cable directly from my GPU then put it back again and it worked. I tried to restart it once again to see if it is actually "fixed" and guess what? It's working well now even after gaming for 3 hours straight.

I'm just wondering if the cable is the problem here? Cause I researched that one of the most common issue of a garbage display is an overheating GPU but my GPU isn't overheating.

Thanks in advanced to those who will help :)
full system spec? include make and model of the psu

Here are the specs:

CPU: A10-6790k
GPU: Colorful GTX 750 icafe 1gb
Ram: 4gb ddr3 1600mhz
Motherboard: GA-F2A55M (Gigabyte FM2 socket)
PSU: Orion 800watts

Also my PSU has an 8 pin and my GPU only requires 1 6pin connector so I think the psu can handle it?? Or maybe not... hmm

Also I forgot my storage which is a Western Digital 500gb HDD
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It's likely that your gpu isnt a real gtx 750 and it's causing the trouble here. It also might be bad vga cable as vga cable isnt that reliable.
I'm really sure that my GTX 750 is a real one because I use GPU-Z to monitor it and the latest driver from nvidia's website is also working with my GPU.

Well I guess it's the cable hmm

Ok so i just woke up and turned my pc on and i heard the fans of the GPU spinning noisily for 2 seconds then when windows 10 is booting up it GARBAGE DISPLAYED again, this time i tried to restart it once and it seems to fix the problem.

I also noticed that this only happens if my PC has been shut for too long (like 6-8 hours) and use it after that long hours has passed.