GPU Load Spiking to 99% when plugged in?


Jun 11, 2012
I have a Lenovo Y570 Ideapad.
Intel Core i7-2670QM @ 2.20GHz
Nvidia GT555M 1GB VGA
Intel HD Graphics Family (Switchable graphics).

I've been fiddling around with this laptop for a year. For a long time, whenever I would load up pretty much ANY game, 1 minute of gameplay later, it would blackscreen and crash, and a "Display driver nvlddmkm stopped responding and has successfully recovered." error would popup.

Rarely the game would recover and I would keep playing, but generally I need to close it using CTRL + ALT + DELETE and then using Task manager.

Many Drivers were clean installed, none worked. A full PC format was done, issue persisted.
For months I have thought it was a hardware issue...

But then I tried UNPLUGGING MY CHARGER and running off my Battery. 0 Problems! Not 1 single crash for the whole 30 minutes of gameplay I was able to squeze out of my battery.
So after that I figured...Maybe it's actually a software issue...And more precisely a Power Management issue...

I turned on GPU-Z and I opened up Counter-Strike:Global Offensive to test it.
Here's the Log.

If you CTRL+F you'll find that at:

> 2015-04-21 19:45:21.951 I launched the game and I'm in the main menu(The GPU Load is at 4%)
> 2015-04-21 19:45:30.905 I open up a map and my character Spawns in(The GPU Load is at 24%)
> 2015-04-21 19:45:47.941 Suddenly the game blackscreens(The GPU Load is suddenly at 97-99%)

What could possibly be causing that sudden spike? Am I right in saying it's a power management issue? HOW IN THE WORLD DO I FIX IT? It's been a whole year trying to fix this issue, and I think I'm finally on to something...

Nope I bought this PC in 2010. And this model is like 2008 I believe.