So my pc doesn't work anymore when i have my gpu in my pc but when I remove it its doing a beep sound and thats how I know that my pc is booting
cuz my monitor only has hdmi and my mother board dosent have hdmi so why is it doing that?
Should I buy a new gpu? My gpu is amd radeon rx 480 nitro and my mother board is acer and I tried to remove ram and clean them or start the pc with only one or just everything I even checked the cables but I changed the thermal paste to the gpu and it was kinda my first time and it booted up after this but then it just stopped I got a green screen and it just stopped and dind work anymore.
Hope you guys can help tbh
So my pc doesn't work anymore when i have my gpu in my pc but when I remove it its doing a beep sound and thats how I know that my pc is booting
cuz my monitor only has hdmi and my mother board dosent have hdmi so why is it doing that?
Should I buy a new gpu? My gpu is amd radeon rx 480 nitro and my mother board is acer and I tried to remove ram and clean them or start the pc with only one or just everything I even checked the cables but I changed the thermal paste to the gpu and it was kinda my first time and it booted up after this but then it just stopped I got a green screen and it just stopped and dind work anymore.
Hope you guys can help tbh