GPU non-reference rankings?


Nov 29, 2012
Anyone know a website that has rankings of GPU's by benchmarks for the non-reference cards?

As an example, looking for all the different non-reference 780's or 780 ti's by score?

Or 290x's by score?

The reason I am wondering is if you actually look at some of the tests of the 290x matrix platinum, you notice that it scores lower on the charts then the cheaper dcuii, but costs more! That got me thinking and I was wondering if there is a website where I can filter by model to figure out what is best.

I know of passmark, but that is just general model vs different cards, not ranking all the different versions of the same card.


Sep 29, 2014
As far as I know there is none because I searched before the best you can hope for is benchmarks with different marks in it and you will probably see a lot of those
And I think the reason for it is that each website will get a different chipset on the card they test so results may vary between them and as such you can't actually rank them but you can see general performance for each company on the benchmarks
Hope that helped you