[SOLVED] GPU not appearing in benchmark

Apr 23, 2020
So i ran a benchmark and got this error:



As you can see from the benchmark results my whole system is running terribly.
The results have my specs besides my GPU which didnt show up at all!
geforce 1650 max q

I have no idea what I can do besides take my computer back to the store, but ive been using it for 9 months and wouldn't like to do that.

Any help is appreciated! Thanks!
Interesting and a bit irritating. I am not sure.
One thing that can turn down performance is, if u run things with just battery of laptop, as the adapter is the thing that mediates performance, even without the battery itself being put in the laptop. The Windows 'benchmark' itself requires the laptop to be connected to electricity via the adapter.
Another thing that comes to my mind is cooling. You may be overheating components, and they may 've been exhausted a bit or more. External coolers can help with lowering temperatures. MSI afterburner can help u monitor and maintain temperatures.
Also, see not only benchmarks, but also the gaming performance itself, and u can compare with videos in youtube.
If u can't do anything, u can go ask...
Values are close to the regular averages, as I can see.
At least this is a laptop GPU, right?
It's interesting the number of shaders, i expected 896, but it's mb the laptop technology. There are no signs of something fake or not working normally...
Don't limit yourself to only one benchmarking program/site.
Novabench is the one for benchmarks, that has satisfied me the most.
Install the latest possible drivers for ur system, updates, etc. if not done already and see what they show for ur CPU, GPU, ram, etc.
Interesting and a bit irritating. I am not sure.
One thing that can turn down performance is, if u run things with just battery of laptop, as the adapter is the thing that mediates performance, even without the battery itself being put in the laptop. The Windows 'benchmark' itself requires the laptop to be connected to electricity via the adapter.
Another thing that comes to my mind is cooling. You may be overheating components, and they may 've been exhausted a bit or more. External coolers can help with lowering temperatures. MSI afterburner can help u monitor and maintain temperatures.
Also, see not only benchmarks, but also the gaming performance itself, and u can compare with videos in youtube.
If u can't do anything, u can go ask the people, who sold u the laptop.
ok, yeah im always plugged in, and my temps are fine, i have literally no idea,

the only other thing could be that i dropped it and broke something? or some undetected malware? but those seem very unlikely

how do people usually get better performance from their hardware for benchmarks? are there settings i could tune?

oh yeah and this thing games horribly right now, csgo and minecraft on lowest settings cant crack 50 fps
oh yeah and this thing games horribly right now, csgo and minecraft on lowest settings cant crack 50 fps

Damn, mobile 1650 can't be that bad.

People often get more of their system by overclocking, but I doubt overclocking a laptop is the best idea ever, especially if ur one is dying.

If there may be malware, run some scans. Malwarebytes, Bitdefender, etc. of ur choice. Usually viruses occupy the CPU as percent usage and ram being engorged, this may help in orientating, but for GPU I haven't heard of such. Except if the gtx is bottlenecked with a probably infected by a virus system.

An terminal thing to do is to reinstall windows, but no guarantee in this.

that i dropped it and broke something?

what??? Did you hit the laptop? If so, and even something is broken, I dunno how u r gonna talk to the guys who sold u the laptop. But it seems like u have to.
well, i tried to reinstall windows but my computer had an unknown error each time i tried it, any suggestions?

I ran a norton deep scan, should i still try a different scan?

I bought it from sams club and they are still open right now, maybe i should go for that

im not talking about overclocking, im just trying to get my cpu and gpu out of the first percentile XD