GPU Solution For An Old PC with E5200 and 4GB RAM


Aug 15, 2014
This desktop pc started to not boot correctly its frequency increased to the point that I took it to a questionable service that I took to before for the same problem that they couldn't solve and he said the gpu had some problem. Now I'm writing from the desktop, everything else works, maybe a bit slower but not significantly.

When it was able to boot the graphics were fine, I think, so is there a way to save the gpu ?
It was a Nvidia Geforce 9500 GT 1 GB DDR2

If not, is it worth buying a GPU for it ? I used to play games but I haven't been playing games for a year though I may show interest in some games again, for example almost guaranteed that I'll want to look at Civilization Beyond Earth. I also have a year old good notebook that I use at work but within a few months to some more than a year I'll most likely have a brand new desktop pc and the notebook will be home.

I also wonder for how long the rest of the pc may survive though it probably won't be still seriously used in around 3-5 years even if it works, I guess, but an upgrade can make it good to work with again such as a Q9650.

The motherboard is Asrock-G31M-S.

Can you recommend a GPU for this ?
I just bought a second hand Palit 9800 GT said to be in good working condition for about 34 USD in total. I have 300 watt power supply and 2 power supply calculators showed it was enough. I think it'll at least help the pc work faster and free some RAM. Hoping nothing goes wrong...
where did you see that you can use that gpu with a 300w psu , that's a 400w psu with a max of 105w usage you will never be able to run it on a 300w psu , the normal usage of the 9800 gt is like 38W-60W (at last that's what google say) . still i don't think you be able to run it on 300w , 350w maybe but 300w i don't think so , and btw why did you grab that gpu when u can get a new gt730 for about 60$ and you can run it on 300w and it is way more powerful than a 9800gt
Just to have sth to run good with the old sub-standart pc. Also, options are more limited in my country and prices probably don't correlate very good. Even a 9800 GT may be considered too much for the rest of the old parts.

For power supply I used these calculators though I couldn't everything accurately in the first one:
Also, I'm not sure if I'll ever upgrade the rest. Though, I never follow the market, I only care when I need to buy something, and maybe I didn't search enough so there might have been a better thing to do still.
The second calculator calculates a Recommended Minimum Power Supply of 254 Watt if I don't use the optical drive and 284 Watt if I use it. At worst I cut its connection as I don't use it with a limitless internet connection.
lol i use that calc too , and im sure you will not be able to run gt 9800 on 300w since it is kind of 99% impossible , and did you calc the fans , usb ports used , Capacitor Aging for like 20% or 30% (20% if your pc is 3-5 years old if more 30%)

I can't say I really get it, but I'll trust in your word. I'm cancelling the purchase. Funny thing, the service man is so inexperienced that it's become a torture for me. I started to have the same booting problems today again very annoyingly. We just gave it to him because others were closed that day. It'd be good to learn how to calculate it correctly, also, just to let the pc complete its lifecycle, what gpu can be a good solution for it if the gpu also have problems, or, what can be the problem ?

I reinstalled Windows 8 and I'm afraid to boot again because I reinstalled the OS after receiving it from him and the problem grew...
good thing you cancelled the purchase since it is wast of money , bz as i said before you can get the gt730 (it has lower w usage and it is half it can play new games at low-medium) insted with the gt 9800 it is true that it is more powerful than the gt730 but it is a 5 year or more old card and its opengl version is 2.1 and most new games today use opengl 3 and up and diretx 11 (btw the 9xxx series is OP when it comes for work in 3d i would definitly get one if i found it as low as you did but here it cost 100$) anyway back to the topic the gt730 would be a good gpu for him to make him work for a little more till you get money for a new build (that's what im doing right now with my E6650 , i put 5gb of ram on it , the GT730 and ill also OC the processor to 3ghz if i can) and for the calc post everything about your pc here , Ram , processor , usb ports used , years of service , HDD speedand DVD and il calc it for you
up to 5 usb ports, 5 or 6 years old with moderate personal use, I don't know the hdd speed but it's 750 gb, it has 4 fans but only 2 are used except the CPU fan due the power supply not having the cables I guess ( It came from US and the power supply didn't comply here in Turkey and I was sold this before I understood it ), I don't use the dvd but it says "DVD multi recorder" "R DL" "RW DVD+R DL" "Compact Disc Rewritable Ultra Speed"
I've paid much time but here's the problem, with the 9500 GT gpu it doesn't even boot, and with the onboard gpu it opened system restore 2 times from maybe 6 times or more and they might have been because I tried the dead gpu before them but also 2 times the monitör said no signal and it restarted itself maybe requiring a system restore...
I also unchecked fast restart.

I may consider an R7 240 2GB DDR3 for about 69 USD total if it can solve it, but will it solve it, and will it solve it good ?
I also find GT 730 at 84.34 USD and HD7750 2GB DDR3 at 81.4 USD in Turkey.
the GT 730 (if it is the DDR5 version) is way better than the R7 240 D3 , the D3 version of GT730 is the same as the R7 240 i think i havn't seen benchmarks anyway try this , take leave all usb ports with nothing connected to them and if you can try to take out the DVD player and see if the pc boots up (im thinking since you pc is a old one you may have probs with your psu) or you can try to take the gpu to one of your friends and see if it works there , if it does then the psu is at foult and you need to buy another one , if so i think you should better sell your pc parts and see if you can get 50-100$ and build a pc yourself , today you can get a LGA1150 mobo for as low as 40$ + pentium g3258 for 70$ + a good gpu for 100$ add some ram and you can build a computer for 250-300$ and still be able to play the newest games at medium settings . im saying this since to get psu that cost like 20-30$ and a gpu for that system is not worth it
Honestly there's a budget I can spend from at my work and that budget depends on whether I start a thing or not. That budget is about 1150 USD now and when I start that thing it becomes about 2300 USD for machinery + equipment + supplies for the kind of research assistants like me. I will need a printer and I'm not sure if that includes softwares because there's only a second item explaining other kinds of expenses and that's for scientific activities like a symposium abroad.

Today I took it to a supposedly good service, I think they'll at least find the problem. Yesterday the optical drive was already disconnected but I suspect the psu also and if that's the case they'll offer me a new one on the phone, should I ask for anything?
I've checked some new pcs today and I think I'd rather buy something like this with my personal budget because it can be upgraded to even a i7-4790k and I can add the gpu I want and I still have 2 2gb ram from the old system:

It supports 2 8GB RAMs. The mobo isn't listed but I guess it can't be bad with a lga 1150 socket and 16GB RAM support, any new pc here is listed like that anyway...

But I'm not 100% sure it can be upgraded to a i7-4790k and I'm not sure if considering a future upgrade when buying a new pc is worth either.
every already build pc you can get (if it is not 1000$ + even then you can build yourself for less) is waste of money since you get less perfomance for what you pay as i said above you can get a good mobo + cpu + gpu for 300$ add your HDD and your ready to go